Nestled in the heart of Tuscany, the enchanting city of Siena boasts a culinary treasure that has stood the test of time – the incomparable 'Ricciarelli di Siena.' These delectable almond-based cookies have become synonymous with Christmas celebrations in Siena, creating a unique link between the geographical area and the product's exceptional quality and reputation.
The Tradition Unveiled
The roots of Ricciarelli trace back to a time when they were exclusively crafted as Christmas sweetmeats. For the Sienese, the festive season would not be complete without the presence of these matchless treats. Over the years, the tradition has evolved, and now, Ricciarelli are enjoyed not only during Christmas but throughout the year. This shift is attributed to the influx of visitors and tourists from around the world, who, captivated by the allure of Siena, indulge in the city's culinary delights.
Historical Origins
Historical records reveal that Ricciarelli di Siena were initially produced in convents and apothecaries. These establishments were unique in housing the spices and flavorings required to enhance and preserve food. The enduring tradition is visible today in the historical center of Siena, where old apothecary shops proudly display frescoed ceilings adorned with gold inscriptions extolling the virtues of Ricciarelli, Panforti, and other typical local sweetmeats.
A Noble Legacy
A fascinating narrative woven into the history of Ricciarelli is attributed to a Sienese nobleman named Ricciardetto della Gherardesca, from whom the name 'Ricciarello' is derived. Legend has it that on his return from the Crusades, Ricciardetto introduced Arab sweetmeats, their curled shape reminiscent of the Sultan's slippers. The first specific reference to the term "Ricciarello" was found in a list of Tuscan sweetmeats published in Livorno in 1814, referring to 'della lupa i Ricciarelli,' where the wolf, or 'lupa,' symbolizes Siena's origin.
Recipe Immortalized:
In 1891, Pellegrino Artusi, a pioneer in Italian gastronomy, published 'La scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiar bene,' the first recipe book based on national culinary traditions. Recipe No 629, dedicated to Ricciarelli di Siena, remains a testament to the timelessness of this delicacy. The ingredients listed – fine white sugar, sweet and bitter almonds, egg white, and orange zest fragrance – are a testament to the enduring authenticity of the recipe.
Recipe for Ricciarelli di Siena
- 2 cups fine white sugar
- 2 cups ground almonds (a mix of sweet and bitter almonds)
- 2 egg whites
- Zest of one orange
- Powdered sugar for dusting
1. Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a bowl, combine the fine white sugar and ground almonds.
3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
4. Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the almond-sugar mixture until well combined.
5. Add the orange zest to the mixture, ensuring even distribution.
6. Using your hands, shape the dough into diamond or oval shapes and place them on the prepared baking sheet.
7. Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes or until the edges are lightly golden.
8. Allow the Ricciarelli to cool on the baking sheet before transferring them to a wire rack.
9. Once cooled, dust the Ricciarelli with powdered sugar before serving.
Embark on a trekking and biking adventure through the captivating landscapes of Siena, indulge in the timeless elegance of Ricciarelli di Siena. This culinary tradition, deeply rooted in the city's history and culture, offers a delightful connection between the geographical area and the unparalleled quality and reputation of this unique sweetmeat. Let your journey through Siena be a celebration of both the breathtaking landscapes and the delectable flavors that have defined this region for centuries.